Since 2009

The Drifters Legends Clubhouse LLc

The Clubhouse Membership is now 1,117

Butch Mann... Original guitarist for The Original Bell / Arista recording Group The Drifters during the 70's.


For the latest news from broadcast stations in the UK US and around the world. Follow the events, interviews and the latest blog...

The Clubhouse
You can now join The Drifters Legends Clubhouse group over on Facebook. The Clubhouse is one of the fastest growing communities on the web with fans from around the world in celebration of the Drifters Legends. When it come to authenticity The Drifters Legends Clubhouse is where it's at. The address:
Want To Book The Legends
Email us at thedrifterslegendsclubhouse@gmail.com
We will get back to you as soon as possible

Breaking News!
The former members of the 70s lineup of The Drifters are set to return to the stage in the near future. Details are currently being worked out amongst the members and undisclosed promoters for the Legends return to the stage. Butch Leake one of the original members of the early Bell Arista group has been making his way around media sources preparing the way for the return of The Drifters Legends. You can hear him and some of the interviews at Golden Groove Radio and over at 103 The Eye in the United Kingdom.

NOW IN THE CLUBHOUSE BOOK STORE "LISTEN LIVE" EDITION OF THE DRIFTERS LEGENDS FAN CLUB MAGAZINE SERIES... Published by The Drifters Legends Clubhouse LLC https://www.blurb.com/b/8249411-on-broadway…
Other publications in the Clubhouse series of books are "On Broadway" A pictorial history of The Drifters 1953-2016 also "Anthology The Drifters Legends"